7633 Sunkist Drive, Oakland CA 94605-3032
(510) 394-4501, Fax (510) 638-8889
BLOG: http://superstarmanagement.wordpress.com
Abdul-Jalil’s Profile
Ziggs Profile of Abdul-Jalil
Linked In Profile on Abdul-Jalil
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AIM, Video Chat Screen Name: jalil@superstarmanagement.com
Skype Video Chat Screen Contact Name: Superstarmanagement
Portrait of Abdul-Jalil by Artist Buford Delaney in Paris, France
Articles on Abdul-Jalil: The Man Who Turns Hits Into Million$, One Special Case, ESPN Bostock 5th & Jackson TV Special Part 1, and Part 2, ESPN Bostock Magazine Special, the “al-Hakim Tax Code Ruling”, Smart Agent, Busy Agent, Dellums for Mayor, Hip Hop’s Islamic Influence, 1979 National BALSA Conference, Oakland Police Officers Arrested for Computer Store Burglaries, Police Found Guilty in Burglaries, Police Officers Sentenced for Burglaries,
Email Abdul-Jalil here
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Here are some casting opportunities for some High School Ballers and others. Go for it!
NBC Television Series shooting in SF Area
This casting notice is for outreach purposes for a current project. Please forward if you know someone who fits this description. We are not accepting phone calls regarding this notice, so review thoroughly for details and submission instructions. Please do not reply; this is an unattended mailbox.
Beau Bonneau Casting is seeking High School Basketball 15 – 18 players to work as paid extras 1/18 on NBC’s TV series Trauma. Guys don’t have to be NBA bound, but real HS or basketball league players are preferred for basic know-how and authenticity purposes.
Scenes will shoot Mon. Jan, 18 on MLK on Treasure Island. Start time is unknown until the evening before so you must be available all day from morning into evening hours. Shoot days last up to 8hrs or sometimes longer. If player is under 18 years, 1 unpaid Parent or Guardian must be available to minor. Pay rate: $78.32 for up to 8hrs plus overtime if applicable = SF minimum wage $9.79/hr. Payment is made via check and typically mailed within 10 business days.
If 18 years old, no work permit is required. However if under 18, minors must have a current entertainment work permit or at least a stamped work permit application in order to work. If your child already has a current entertainment work permit please fax it to (415) 777-1994. If your child does not yet have a permit, we will send you information after receiving your submission.
Please submit the following information to projects@beaubonneaucasting.com ASAP:
* Name, Age & Basketball 1/18 in subject line. Age is required if under 18.
* Parent/Guardian contact name & number
* Height, Weight
* Ethnicity
* Basketball bio, let us know if currently on a team or play in a league, positions played
* 1 or 2 recent color photos
They are also seeking AFTRA and Non Union Extras 18 years old and over for the NBC television series Trauma, a fast paced medical drama. Shooting will begin again in January for 3 additional episodes, expected to go through February 2010 in San Francisco.
Background roles include: Police Men and Women, EMTs, Paramedics, Firefighters, ER Nurses, Doctors, Techs & Interns, Patients, Drivers with Cars, and various Pedestrian type roles. Men and Women with emergency, medical, or police related work experience or training are encouraged to submit to help make response scenes look more authentic. Some uniformed extra roles may repeat. Some extra roles may be featured and selected from digital photos by production.
Important information
Hours/Rates: Television shoots typically last 10-12 hours or more. They often start very early in the morning, however exact start time is unknown until the evening before each shoot day. Saying you are available means All Day from very early morning to late evening, no conflicts! Non Union Extras are paid the SF min wage of $9.79/hr = $78.32 for 8 hours and overtime thereafter. AFTRA background are paid the scale rate. There is an additional payment of $35 if cast with vehicle. Rates are determined by Production, not Beau Bonneau Casting.
Employment Requirements: I-9s will be filled out on set. U.S. citizens must present a current U.S. Passport or two pieces of id: a valid Drivers License or state issued photo ID, with either your Social Security card or original birth certificate. Non U.S. citizens must have either a current Green Card or Permanent Resident Card with photo. Production will check your ID on location and if you do not have proper ID, you will be turned away.
How to submit:
Availability can be submitted online via Direct Cast Extras Roles if you are registered with Casting Networks aka www.sfcasting.com
Photo and availability submissions can be dropped off, mailed in, or emailed to Trauma@beaubonneaucasting.com but you must include all of the following information:
* Full Name & available date(s) listed individually (in subject line if emailed)
* Approximate Age (20s, 40s, 60s, etc) & Ethnicity
* Cell phone and alternate number(s)
* Availability: BE SPECIFIC! List the EXACT date(s) you are avail ALL DAY for the next couple weeks. Feel free to send email avail updates every 2 or 3 weeks.
* Height, Weight, general clothing sizes and measurements
* 2 recent, basic color p
hotos: a close up & full standing view so we can see what you look like presently! No black and white or cropped photos.
* Note emergency, police, or medical related work experience / training if applicable
* If AFTRA, include a legible photocopy of your membership card with submission.
Submissions will be reviewed upon receipt and we will contact you right away if we might be able to use you or in order to send you work permit information.
Our Address: Beau Bonneau Casting, 84 1st Street, San Francisco, CA 94105. Make it ATTN: Trauma. Office hours are currently M-F 10am – 5pm if you choose to drop off your photo submission in person. Make sure your name, number etc on written on the back of each photo. If you fit an immediate need, we may ask to take your picture or potentially cast you on the spot. However this is not an open call; you must have photos to leave behind. Office hours may change and will be updated here. We have a mail slot in our door for after-hours submissions. Photos received will not be returned.
Phone calls to the Beau Bonneau Casting office will not be accepted, we are very busy. BBC staff will contact you to check your availability. Thank you,
Beau Bonneau Casting
Ooooh, I liked! So clear and positively.