The nearly Five decades old continuing story of the conflict between Abdul-Jalil al-Hakim and his Family with the Alameda County District Attorney (DA), the California Attorney General (AG) and the Alameda County Department of Child Support Service (DCSS) must be among the most extensively told in the history of the American judiciary.al-Hakim had to file an action against Tom Orloff, the DA and ACDCSS because they failed and refused to enforce the courts own orders for the fair and proper application and accounting of payments al-Hakim made in trust to the DA in their fiduciary capacity for the two minor al-Hakim girls depriving al-Hakim and one minor child of over $2,000 of monies paid, then illegally charging al-Hakim with the crime of violating the child support statute for nonpayment. Full Story with Videos and Documents at http://tinyurl.com/ljk8avVice President, former Attorney General Kamala “Kriminal Harass” Harris and the Office of The Attorney General of The State of California substituted in as attorney of record in this case for the Alameda County Department of Child Support Services allegedly “in the interest of justice”. What justice is there in the Attorney General defending, concealing and thereby being further complicit in committing the admitted willful and intentional extrinsic fraud upon the court; prosecutorial misconduct; willful and malicious prosecution; misconduct; conflict of interest; obstruction of justice; denial of due process under the law; willful and intentional fabrication and authoring false evidence; misstating and mischaracterizing evidence; misrepresentation and concealment of material facts with knowledge of the truth with the intent to induce the court’s act or reliance; harassment; and intimidation on behalf of District Attorney Nancy O’Malley, former DA John Meehan, Tom Orloff, Rock Harmon, Kamala Harris, Maureen Lenahan, Valgeria Harvey, counselors L. Lavagetto, Ms. K. Pendergrass, Ms. Adler, Kris Ferre, and accountant Mr. Lovelady and others unnamed in the DA’s office; various judges and Commissioner Oleon’s abuse of discretion, willful misconduct, conduct prejudicial, illegal ex-parte communications and bias that resulted in error.
This was done to excuse and protect the Alameda County Department of Child Support Services from their ongoing conflict of interest in their alleging to represent the interest of Joette Hall, whom they had defrauded along with al-Hakim of the funds paid to the DCSS in trust for their minor child.
The Alameda County Department of Child Support Services was never representing the al-Hakim Hall family, they were defending and covering up their extrinsic fraud upon the state and the families. The Alameda County Department of Child Support Services wanted to conceal their attempted coercion of al-Hakim to pay the arrearage they created in his name. al-Hakim and his family had complained many times each year about the misapplication of the funds tendered to the Department of Child Support Services in trust for the al-Hakim Hall family.
The al-Hakim vs Rescue Rooter and CSAA case’s is an over $100 million, over 20 year; contentious action; was the largest, continuous case file in the history of Alameda County Superior Court, over 80 file boxes; over 300 motions and responses; plaintiff had over 300 exhibits; over 5,000 pages of exhibits; 3,000 pages of documents for rebuttal argument; 20 expert witnesses; 77 other witnesses; over 100 pages of jury instructions; with 17 Judges being Disqualified, volumes of convicting proof of over 40 more judicial misconduct cases, where EVERY judge in this case has admitted error, committed perjury, recused themselves, or all three! Most attorneys go their entire career and NEVER file a Challenge for Cause to Disqualify a Judge, in some cases it could dramatically affect their career irreparably.
In 2005 Abdul-Jalil al-Hakim filed a federal complaint with the United States Attorney General, Department of Justice, of a hate crime of Islamophobia and Xenophobia committed against him during a trial in Superior Court of Alameda County, California, demanding a change in this criminal, tactical policy of persecution, litigation isolation, victimization, criminalization and the attempted entrapment of al-Hakim, including the use of government initiated, Nixon era “White House Plumbers” and CoIntelpro style dirty tricks by the parties, including but not limited to those listed herein!
al-Hakim is a whistleblower targeted by the FULL FORCE of the government, with Vice President and former Alameda County and San Francisco County District Attorney, former California State Attorney General, and former California State Senator Kamala Harris; former California Governor, California State Attorney General, and Oakland Mayor Jerry Brown; United States District Court- Northern Division, Phyllis J. Hamilton, Claudia Wilken, Thelton E. Henderson, Jon Tigar, Yvonne Gonzalez Rodgers, Jacqueline Scott Corley, Donna M. Ryu, Susan Y. Soong, Ioana Petrou, Edward M. Chen, Richard Wieking, Joseph Spero, Pat Talley-Linnhart, Diana Pasadori, Tracie Williams, Ernestina Lee, Linda Ekstrom-Stanley and ALL former and current employees;The United States Attorney’s Office- Northern District of California, Hon. Brian Stretch, Stacey Geis, Alex Tse, Joshua Eaton, Charles O’Connor, Sara Winslow, Barbara Valliere, J. Douglas Wilson and ALL former and current employees; Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) San Francisco: John F. Bennett, John.Bennett, Lawrence D. Buckley, Craig D. Fair, Bertram R. Fairries, Derek Fischel, Lisa R. Gentilcore, Marina A. Mayo, Stacey Moy, M.K. Palmore, and ALL former and current employees; The California Supreme Court: Chief Justice Tani Cantil-Sakauye, Cathal Conneely, Ronald M. George, Frank A. McGuire and ALL former and current employees; State of California Courts of Appeal: Barbara J. R. Jones, Judge Kennedy, James Richman, Henry Needham, Mark B. Simons, Gordon B. Burns, James Humes, Terence Bruiniers, Sandra Margulies, Anthony Kline, Kathleen Banke, Beth Robbins, Charles Johnson, Anne Reasoner, Susan Graham, Mary Quilez, Diana Herbert, Dick Sandvick, Rosa, Joy Washington and ALL former and current employees; current California Attorney General: Xavier Becerra and ALL members of his office including but not limited to Peter Southworth, Robert Wilson, Marina L. Soto, Sean McCluskie, Robert Wilson, Laura Stuber, Kelli Evans, Amanda Renteria, Eleanor Blume, Jonathan “Jon” Blazer, Melanie Fontes Rainer, David Zonana, Alejandro Pérez, Sirat Attapit, Bethany Lesser, Chris Moyer, Liz Saldivar, former California Attorney Generals Edmund G. “Jerry” Brown Jr., Kamala Harris and ALL members of their offices including but limited to Evan Westrep, Louis Verdugo Jr., Richard Frank, and ALL former and current employees; California State Governor: Gavin Newsome, former Edmund G. “Jerry” Brown Jr., Evan Westrep and ALL former and current employees; United States Congresswoman Barbara Lee, Anne Taylor, Elaine McKellar, Lauren Riggs, Saundra Andrews, Leslie Littleton and ALL former and current employees; Judicial Council of California: Martin Hoshino, John Wordlaw, Blaine Corren, Nancy Carlisle, Maria Kwan, Yvette Trevino, Bernadette Torivio, Jody Patel, Nancy Carlisle, Mikayla Connell, Tina Carroll Felizia Nava‐Kardon, Evelyn Ramos, Stephen Chow, Rochelle Mosley, Galina Osachiy, Chantel Perrella, Rowena Tabar, Edward Tang, Hoa Tran, and ALL former and current employees; Commission on Judicial Performance: Victoria B. Henley, Director-Chief Counsel, Marshall Grossman, Jay Linderman, Andrew Blum and ALL former and current employees; Former California State Assemblyman Sandre Swanson, staff Carol Jones, Charlene Washington, Adam Jones, Larry Broussard, Danita Blair, Amber Maltbie, Monica Vejar, Amanda, and ALL former and current employees; Alameda County Superior Court Judges and clerks: Judges Frank Roesch, Wynne Carvill, Robert Freedman, Yolanda Northridge, Jon Rolefson, Kim Colwell, George Hernandez, Leo Dorado, Frank Roesch, Barbara J. Miller, Leo Dorado, C. Don Clay, Winifred Smith, Stephen Pulido, Sandra Bean and Commissioners Sue Alexander, Boydine Hall, Taylor Culver, Glenn Oleon, Thomas Nixon, and Elizabeth Hendrickson, Elaine Kabiling, Maggie Takeda, Renee Pickney, Jenifer Madden, Scott Patton, David Krashna, Morris Jacobson, Ioana Petrou, Jeffery Brand, Evelio Grillo, Paul Herbert, Kevin R. Murphy, Michael M. Markman, Jo-Lynne Q. Lee, David Lee, Michael Ballachey, Richard Hodge Judith Ford, Jacqueline Tabor, M. Scott Sanchez, Tara Desautels, Leo Dorado, Dennis Hayashi, Julia Spain, Kristi Hereth and ALL former and current Superior Court employees; California Courts of Appeal -First District, Alameda County Superior Court- Appeals Section: Y. Singh, Angela Yamsuan, F. C. La Torre, Liza Sabio,Ruby Atwall, Nancy Adams, D. Johnson-Cannon, Anita Lippman, and ALL former and current employees; Alameda County Superior Court Administration: Chad Finke, Executive Officer, A Byer, Giza Lewis, Pat Sweeten, Adrianne Forshay, Angela-Law Clerk, Dan Croyle, Robbie McIntoshs, Vicky-Clerk, Marvin- Attendant, Pam Drummond-Williams, Letichia, Michelle Escerra, Tanisha V. Jones, Joyce, court reporter Adrienne Peretti, Phil Abar, Clarence Traywick, Connie Parchman, Alina Mateo, Darmica Oliver, Leah Wilson, and ALL former and current employees, agents and contractors; et.at.; Alameda County District Attorney: Nancy O’Malley, Kevin Dunleavy, Michael O’Connor, David Stein, former and current Alameda County District Attorneys Tom Orloff, Matthew Golde, Robert “Bob” Connor, Bruce Brock, David Stein, Ann Diem, Matthew Golde, Kamala Harris, Rock Harmon, Karen Campbell, Venus Johnson, Boydine Hall, and ALL former and current employees; Alameda County Department of Child Support Services: former and current Directors Matthew A. Brega, Sue Eadie, Ann Deim, Maureen K.Lenahan, Valgeria Harvey, Ricca Alcantara, L. Lavagetto, Ms. K. Pendergrass, Ms. Adler, Kris Ferre, Mr. Lovelady, Mrs. Carlilse, Mrs. Remelton, Mrs. Reese, Terry Simmons-Booker and ALL former and current employees; County of Alameda Legal Counsel: Donna Ziegler, Richard E. Winnie, Gabriella Raymond, Erin H. Reding, Teresa L. Robinson, Brian E. Washington and ALL former and current employees; Alameda County Administrator: Susan Muranishi, Donna Linton and ALL former and current employees; Alameda County Office of the Treasure And Tax Collector, Donald R. White, Elvia Quiroga, Jack Wong and ALL former and current employees; Alameda County Supervisor Kieth Carson, Rodney Brooks, Mina Sanchez and ALL former and current employees; City of Oakland Mayor: Libby Schaff, Tomiquia Moss, Shereda Nosakhare, Peggy Moore, Erica Terry Derryck, Audrey Cortes, Matt Nichols, David Silver, Jose Corona, Michael Hunt, Karely Ordaz Salto, former Mayors Ron Dellums, former Mayor Jean Quan, Trina Barton, Diane Boyd, Miguel Bustos, Kitty Kelly Epstein, VaShone Huff, Earl Johnson, Cheryal Kidd, Marisol Lopez, Vincent Mackey, Paul Rose, Daniel Boggan Jr., Karen Stevenson, Rich Cowan, Lewis Cohen, Karen Boyd, Anne Campbell Washington, Reygan Harmon, Susan Piper, former Mayor Edmund G. “Jerry” Brown, Jacque Barzaghi and ALL former and current employees; Oakland City Attorney: Barbara J. Parker, former City Attorney John Russo and Jayne Williams the City Attorney’s Office, Mark Morodomi, Randy Hall, Janie Wong, Anita Hong, Sophia Li, Demetruis Shelton, Elizabeth Allen, Erica Harrold, Michele Abbey, Deborah Walther, Anita Flores, and former employee Pat Smith, and ALL former and current employees; Oakland City Administrator: Sabrina Landreth, former Deanna J. Santana, Dan Lindhiem, Fred Blackwell, Kathy Kessler, Barbara B. Killey, Marjo R. Keller, Amber Todd, Ann Campbell-Washington, Winnie Woo, Gia Casteel-Brown, Claudia Cappio, Stephanie Hom and ALL former and current employees; Oakland City Auditor: Brenda Roberts, S. Lawrence, Maya Collins and ALL former and current employees; City of Oakland Public Works: Brooke A. Levin, former Director Vitaly B. Troyan, Gary Pilecki, Julius M. Kale Jr., Allan Law, Gunawan Santoso, James Lowrie, Lorenzo Garcia, Jaime Ramey, Michael Neary, Donna F. Enright, Tim Low, Rich Fielding, Sarah Flewellen, Jason Wong, J. R. Nicks, Henry “Bubba” Rushing, Dana, Sabrina Jones, Yolanda Hartfield, Fred Lozar, Marcel Banks, Eldridge Person, Perry, Ron Gittings and ALL former and current employees; Oakland Police Department: former Chief Anne E. Kirkpatrick, John Lois, Sgt. Eric Milina, Johnna Watson, Marco Marquez, Ersie Joyner III, Reygan Harmon, Kirk Coleman, Frank Morrow Jr., Jad Jadallah, Chris Bolton, Fred Jenkins, Capt. Trevino, Sgt. Gonzalez, Jonas Jones, George Philips, Sgt. M. Poirier, Capt Alison, Lt. Hamilton, Sgt. Wingate, Bill Denny, Ofc. M Ziebarth #8281, Cpt. Dorherty, Mike Morris, Danielle Ashford, Sgt. Green, Ofc. Anderson, Anthony Batts, Howard Jordan, Rebecca Campbell, Cassandra, Marc Hicks, Ron Lighten and ALL former and current employees and other Federal and California State Judges.
The complaint, drafted and filed by al-Hakim, had broad based support from Democrats and Republicans, was submitted by Congresswoman Barbara Lee with the offices of Congressmen John Conyers, and Charles Rangel, reviewed by several legal experts, with advocacy by former Republican Senator J. C. Watts, a client of al-Hakim’s, moved forward with the investigation and charges of criminal extrinsic fraud upon the court of the State of California, fabricating and planting fabricated evidence, spoliation of evidence, and solicitation of perjurious testimony against defendants/hostile intervener AAA Insurance; Ronald J. Cook, Randy Willoughby, Alex Stuart, Bradley Bening and others of the law firm Willoughby, Stuart & Bening; Stephan Barber and others of the law firm Ropers, Majeski; and many others.
The complaint addresses concern that Superior Court Judges, defendants, defense counsels and others conduct rose to the level of consideration for a Federal Crime and a Civil Rights violation because the bench upon which the judge rules is “under the color of law” and certainly the violation of anyone’s civil rights is a federal crime, perhaps even more importantly, not only requested Merrily Friedlander, Chief of the Civil Rights Division, to make an investigation of a judicial hate crime, but also the many other civil rights and due process violations of judicial misconduct, and attorney extrinsic fraud upon the court and law that are themselves directly the matters complained.
After review in the U. S. A. G. Office, the case was thought of as being so egregious that even the infamous Bradley Schlozman, whom is now fired and facing Federal indictment with resigned former Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez for removing Democratic attorneys from the U. S. Attorneys Generals offices nationwide, sent al-Hakim a letter referring the matter (because of jurisdictional limitations) to the California State Attorney General, California State Bar Association, the California State Judicial Council, and California State Insurance Commissioner for investigation and prosecution. And these were Republican Judges and attorney’s being complained of!
This is their active retaliation, VENDETTA, against al-Hakim’s for his “advocacy and activism, race, religious belief, speech, political association or privileged conduct.” is being punished for: (1) attempting to cure abuses against him in the Alameda County Superior Court, State Supreme and Appeals Courts; (2) attempting to protect his constitutional rights from corrupt, biased, incompetent judges acting in concert with unscrupulous judicial, law enforcement, governmental and legal entities illegally utilizing the full force and resources of the government in a covert criminal undercover sting operation; (3) exercising his right of free speech in making the above attempts and exposing the corruption; (4) exposing the inner workings of this covert overreaching judicial, governmental operation entailing judicial, political, corporate and law enforcement corruption; (5) the complicit inept judicial system of serious malfeasance, a complete denial of secrecy, security, and transparency that encompass anything that might threaten their cover; (6) the cover up of the judicial system; (7) the criminal justices ability to deliver injustice that prohibits their ability to defend themselves; (8) They have engaged in a total evisceration, disembowel al-Hakim’s rights!
al-Hakim’s actions fall under the Constitution and the Amendment and the duty of vigorous advocacy, where under color of law, these judicial, law enforcement, governmental and legal entities criminal corruption and persecution sought to deprive plaintiff of litigation due him contrary to the right to due process and immunity from takings without due process is a gross abuse of discretion in violation of the law that will violate plaintiff’s rights guaranteed under the First, Fifth, Sixth and Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution; First Clause of Section 13 of Article I of California Constitution, art. VI, § 4 1/2; California Code of Civil Procedure §§ 355, 356, 473, 475; Civ. Code, §§ 3523, 3528.
This civil corruption, collusion and conspiracy has brought into play local, County, Sate and Federal Agencies in furtherance of their continued social, political, and legal castration of al-Hakim whom the CSAA defense attorneys admitted in 1998 they had al-Hakim surveilled for years and continues today with the compromising of many agents and informants covers due to their sloppiness. These actions are just the latest example of the continuing efforts of judicial and law enforcement to silence and eliminate al-Hakim as their adversary when he has caught and exposed them as they have been entrapped in their own crimes!
CSAA began to work with the defense in the underlying case of al-Hakim vs Rescue Rooter, et., al., even fabricating court orders to do so and were the defendants in this case of al-Hakim vs. CSAA. They also had al-Hakim investigated by the Department of Insurance, FBI, and other governmental, law enforcement, judicial and legal authorities and still worked as an operative, agents and informants with law enforcement trying to create a case against al-Hakim for fraud that NEVER existed, and still works with those forces today!
This was their beginning of the racist, Islamophobic, Xenophobic, hate induced campaign of calumny deceit in the law enforcement and legal community and public at large to obtain a litigation advantage! The Rescue case ended with the retiring judge David Lee informing the jury that ALL the testimony of the defense had to be disregarded due to the subornation of perjurious testimony of ALL their witnesses and the source of most of the basis for their documents.
In the CSAA case the defendants were found guilty of fraud in the appraisal and to have used illegal values by judge James Richmond. (see Richmond order of February 23, 2003, in Al-Hakim v. California State Automobile Association, C-811337)
Judge James A. Richman by his Order dated February 23, 2003 set aside the appraisal award because, among other grounds, “the award was procured by corruption, fraud, or other undue means”; or the appraisers “exceeded their powers and the award cannot be corrected without affecting the merits of the decision upon the controversy submitted”. The order further cited the improper use of “cash value” as replacement cost, use of erroneous “used cost” figures, denial of coverage, injection of fraud, concealment, breach of contract, and coverage issues without any reason or evidence Due to their subornation of perjurious testimony in the Rescue trial, they did not have any witnesses nor experts the could present at their own trial.
This case is about a civil and criminal judicial, governmental, and law enforcement fraud that goes back to the Department Of Justice- U. S. Attorney General and NSA. The government can not defend this admitted fraud, embezzlement, breach of fiduciary, extortion (recorded conversation and all documents can be listen to and/or downloaded) and obstruction of justice in a MAJOR civil suit!
CSAA was rewarded for their efforts as they even represented the judge in this case, Judge Jon Tigar, in his Disqualification Challenge for Cause filed by al-Hakim, wherein Judge Tigar judged in their favor awarding them a judgment while al-Hakim was away at THREE (3) Funerals (the second and third during the trial) of over forty year friends with Tigar and the courts prior approval!
On Thursday, March 20, 2008, Plaintiff al-Hakim faxed a letter to Judge Jon Tigar in Department 21 and defense counsel Steve Barber to notify them that he had received the news of the tragic passing of Jerrold Woods, a very dear 40 year friend and associate and of plaintiff’s imminent leave for bereavement. He did so to facilitate the courts efforts and give them advance notice so that when the need for him to take the leave was necessary, he could do so without any unexpected disruption and then resuming the expected trial. While in open court, Tigar acknowledged the closeness of the relationship, the pain that al-Hakim must be enduring, and the request for leave of bereavement at some point and granted court permission while on the bench, to attend the funeral/memorial upon noticing the court of it scheduling.
On April 3, 2008, news was received by the community of the second and third deaths of over forty year friends occurred hours apart during the trial.
Since al-Hakim had not taken time to grieve and pay proper respect, on these occasion, it was not only necessary and desired, it was religiously obligatory. There was no other alternative comfortable for al-Hakim and the trial could surely be continued for three-four days given the circumstances of now two MORE deaths during the short time of the trial
al-Hakim, with previous court permission to attend the funerals less than two weeks earlier after the first death (the first of the trial) of the very close over 40 year friend from Judge Tigar, noticed the court Five times via personal service, fax, and email of his intent to attend the funerals with the courts prior approved leave seeking direction from Tigar, including personal service on Judge Tigar in the courtroom, Five days BEFORE the trial resumed and attending the TWO funerals and memorials, and Tigar took advantage of the opportunity, DID NOT RESPOND TO THE 5 NOTICES and decided the case in al-Hakim’s absence!
It should be noted that Tigar ADMITTED THAT HE HAD COMMITTED SUCH EGREGIOUS ERRORS THAT THEY DEMANDED A MISTRIAL, WHICH PLAINTIFF DECLARED AS WELL. Plaintiff acknowledges that this fact is a major factor in Tigar deciding the case in his absence in attempt to evade in many legal transgressions he committed during the case.
Judge Tigar’s Nullification of al-Hakim Trial
The Government Commandeered and Absconded with ENTIRE Commercial VPS
The government, with the parties including but not limited to those referenced herein, have commandeered and absconded with al-Hakim’s ENTIRE commercial VPS internet SERVER, WHM and multiple cPanels administration, destroying ALL the businesses Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation hosts websites entities Superstar Management, The Genius of Randy Wallace, Inc., Nowtruth, eX-whY Adventures, CAECAY and their websites: Amwftrust.org, Superstarmanagement.com, Ex-Why.com, Nowtruth.org, Greencleanascene.com, Nobooksnoballsports.org, Steppingto.org, Bawha.com, DrKenya.net, Fightfordrghosh.org, CAECAY.org, Nstrongharmony.org; ALL their email address accounts; propriety email list Futurist, MWBE, Newsalert, NIA, Superstars, Act, Lawaid, Politicos, AMWF, Super Bowl Guest, Entrepreneur, and SJA; logins to All services, ALL incoming and outgoing email, websites and website traffic in an effort to censor, suppress, conceal, and shut down their exposing the corruption of the courts and others, thereby covering up their criminal acts!
They have shut down ALL al-Hakim’s Twitter accounts: @ajalil, @FirstSSM, @Nowtruth1, @EXWHYAD, @griotz, @AMWFND, @electionwin, and @caecay.
FaceBook’s CENSORSHIP for Vice President Kamala Harris
On Feb. 19, 2017, I post on FaceBook an article on the “Courtel” that was labeled as “false information”. THAT IS FACTUALLY UNTRUE!!! We were NEVER noticed of this and only found out about it years later! We have blocked from making friend requests and postings posting several times for weeks. I recently filed the required documents to VERIFY my account TWICE and that request was DENIED LESS THAN 10 SECONDS after an alleged “review”. That is NOT POSSIBLE! There is no algorythim that can make that determination in less than 10 seconds!! First, it’s ME verifying that it’s ME!! I submiited a post about Vice President Kamala Harris embezelling/stealing Child Support from my daughters and extorting me to pay it again, I refused! https://wp.me/Pye39-lZ
My daughter Bari al-Hakim Willams was a Legal Counsel at FaceBook for years until she left two years ago, was in that post and FaceBook “wiped” her photo from my posts, page, and gallery without explanation! JUST WHAT IS FACEBOOK UP TO WITH MY ACCOUNT? Something is HIGHLY SUSPICIOUS about THIER actions!
FaceBook’s CENSORSHIP is OPPRESION, what reason could there possibly be for their actions??!!! WHO doesn’t like what’s being said?!!
They have “scrubbed” the internet of any references and shut down al-Hakim’s social media presence to silence his voice exposing the criminal activity of Kamala Harris, along with that of the Federal Judicial and Law Enforcement Authorities; Alameda County Superior Court and Administration, District Attorney and Agencies; City of Oakland Mayor, Administration, Services and their City Attorney; California Attorney General Javier Becerra; former Governor Jerry Brown, current Governor Gavin Newsome, and others.
Government Covertly Planted SpyWare on al-Hakim’s Company Computer
On June 17, 2018, al-Hakim found SpyWare covertly planted on al-Hakim’s company computer through his web browser when he logged into his Interserver and U. S. Courts account.
SpyWare is programed to take control of your camera and microphone, to spy on their Computer Activities, Instant Message, Chats, Software usage, Take Screenshots Remotely, See File Transfers, Capture Key logs, Spy on Media Files, Spy on Emails, Spy on Browser Activities, monitor your workplace or home remotely, notify them if it detects your computers activities, including an alarm system, a recording system, and sending screengrabs of your PC or mobile phone. The SpyWare can connect to multiple IP cameras and microphones, then automatically starts recording whenever it captures motion and enable live remote viewing from any PC.
It’s a terrifying invasion of privacy that defendants with government agencies like the NSA can take control of the webcam and microphone on your computer and spy on you without your knowledge.
Previously, censorship had been implemented by them by blocking and blacklisting plaintiffs servers IP’s, device IP’s, domain IP’s, email addresses with accomplices SORBS, SpamHaus, RBL, SURBL, Mailchannels, Trouble-Free.net, Barracuda, ABUSE.NET, Exploits Bot List (XBL), AbuseIPDB, Invaluement, MXToolBox, MultiRBL, URIBL, SURBL, Composite Blocking List (CBL), Passive Spam Block List (PSBL), with reverse DNS verifications, DNSBL blocks, surveilled email content, censored email content, blocked or throttled email distribution as Internet filters, firewalls, Internet blocking, DNS poisoning, and Internet zoning. It is currently used by some organizations and governments to control the content viewed by individuals accessing Web pages over the Internet. The largest complaint about Internet censorship is that it ignores free-speech rights and violates the civil liberties of Internet users.
That censorship along with AMWF’s server and hosted websites being intentionally mis-configured by defendants it is causing the many, many, over 40 years of creating a brand, establishing goodwill, proprietary client email list and email distribution to those lists, clients intellectual property, trade secrets, clients data, content, website service pages, articles, posts, videos, podcasts, features, photos, marketing, promotion, testimonials, social media, email lists, simple inter-company and inter-office email communications, the theft and missing proprietary client email list, the theft and missing clients intellectual property, the theft and missing clients trade secrets, the theft and missing clients data, links to partner websites (blogroll), thousands of broken links prevent access to all these features via website visits, search engines, and by blocking web IP’s, server IP’s, device (computers, phones, tablets, etc.) IP’s, email addresses, ALL INTERNET CONNECTED AND RELATED COMMUNICATIONS AND DEVICES, referrals, from ALL the above mentioned sources, for all intents and purposes, burying the business.
This prevented employees, volunteers, clients, donors, donees, subscribers, users, contributors, and visitors from accessing the site, services, articles, posts, videos, photos, events calendar, information, fundraising efforts, advertising, special events, marketing, promotions, special offers, acknowledgement, individual and group discussion, town hall meetings, online forms for FREE tickets to entertainment events, to join the mail list, to be a subscriber, to become a member, submit a special request for services, for FREE educational opportunities and assistance, for FREE rental assistance, for FREE food, for FREE clothing, for FREE computers, for FREE housing, for FREE medical services, for FREE legal services, for FREE home and cell phones, fundraising donations, for volunteering, Inter-Faith and Multi-Cultural events, for FREE Youth resources, for FREE employment opportunities and assistance, for FREE resources and assistance, for FREE Autism resources and assistance, for FREE homeless resources and assistance, for FREE proprietary videos, CD’s and podcasts, to purchase proprietary videos, CD’s and podcasts, for FREE clinics and health centers, client proprietary videos, partner proprietary videos, selected educational/information proprietary videos, and sharing the above.
Due to the continuing, 50 year grand fraud, this case has NOT been exhausted to finality!!