Ste. #One16, Oakland CA 94602
Phone (510) 394-4101
Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation-KPFA Promotional Video:
Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation Kids Celebrity Gift BackPacks
Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation Free Food Program Celebrity Giving Back
The Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation and ¿eX-whY AdVentures? Trader Joe’s Emeryville KPFA Interview Video
The Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation and ¿eX-whY AdVentures? Trader Joe’s Emeryville Customer Appreciation
The Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation and ¿eX-whY AdVentures? Trader Joe’s Alameda Customer Appreciation
The Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation and ¿eX-whY AdVentures? Entourage & Randy Holland in Trader Joe’s Pinole “Tribute to Legends of Jazz” Show
Santa Fe Elementary School’s Peace March with Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation, SemiFreddi’s, Trader Joe’s, Little Ceasar’s Pizza, Marshawn Lynch’s “Fam1ly F1rst” and Leon Powe’s “Fresh Start Oakland”
Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation and Santa Fe Elementary LilCaesars Pizza Part 1
Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation and Santa Fe Elementary LilCaesars Pizza Part 2
Abdul-Jalil Honored in Port Au-Prince, Haiti and Miami, Fla. for Relief Missions to Haiti
Linked In Profile on Abdul-Jalil
Portrait of Abdul-Jalil by Artist Buford Delaney in Paris, France
ABDUL-JALIL’S BABE with Maze Featuring Frankie Beverly and Marvin Gaye
ABDUL-JALIL’S BABE with Khalid al-Mansour, President Barack Obama and Prince Al-Waleed
ABDUL-JALIL’S BABE with Destiny and Marvin Gaye
CALIFORNIA STATE ASSEMBLY HONORS ABDUL-JALIL Receives Certificate-of-Recognition for 2021-22 Humanitarian Civil and Human Rights Achievements
ABDUL-JALIL- the First _SUPER AGENT_ Legal Black History Page 1
ABDUL-JALIL-Sports and Entertainment Law Courses in All Major Law and MBA Programs Page 2
ABDUL-JALIL-Sports and Entertainment Law Courses in All Major Law and MBA Programs Page 3
ABDUL-JALIL-Sports and Entertainment Law, Lecturor, Presenter, Marketing, Branding Page 4
Dr. Dre SUPER BOWL Celebrity Promo
The Man Who Turn$ Hit$ Into Million$, One Special Case, ESPN Bostock 5th & Jackson TV Special Part 1, and Part 2, ESPN Bostock Magazine Special, ESPN Magazine- The History and Mystery of The High Five,
the “al-Hakim Tax Code Ruling”, Smart Agent, Busy Agent,
Abdul-Jalil in Harvard University Law School Federal Tax Course Outline
Abdul-Jalil in Yale University Law School Federal Tax Course 13th Ed., Prof. Eric Zolt
Abdul-Jalil in Wake Forest University Law School “Islamic and Jewish Perspective On Interest”
Abdul-Jalil in Washington University Law School Tax Code Abdul-Jalil in Washington & Lee University Law School Tax Code, Abdul-Jalil in University of Virginia Law School Tax Course
Award for “Distinguished Marketing and Promotional Services” from NFL Super Bowl NFL Experience,
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“He who Harms a Life, it is as if he has Harmed ALL Mankind,
He who has saved a Life, it is as if he has Saved ALL Mankind!”
Who will you save?
Surah Al-Insan says: And they are those who give food
in spite of their own need , to the needy, and the
orphan, and the captive, [saying in their hearts], We
only feed you for the sake of God, and we desire nothing
in return from you, not even a word of thanks! (76:8-9).
As Salaamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu wa Jazzak Allah Khair Khayrun,
We, the Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation (AMWF), pray Allah (SWT) you and the Families are well, ALL of your health is robust, you’re making GREAT progress in your Deen, your businesses are thriving, that everything will be perfect in your life and you ALL stay in Allah’s Love, Grace, Guidance and Mercy, iA, Amen!
We, the Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation (AMWF), and Abdul-Jalil, have received another Proclamation for Muslim American’s with a Resolution Honoring us from the Mayor of the City of Albany, the City Council and from the Albany Unified School District Board of Supervisors, Albany, CA, during their Council meeting September 5, 2023. We received this Honor with the family of Belal Salih Esa whom was murdered in 2022.
“WHEREAS, the Aaron and Margaret Wallace Foundation (AMWF), founded in 1957 provides basic necessities to over 30,000 individuals per month, including hot meals, fresh produce, toys, books and more. Brother Abdul-Jalil al-Hakim and Brother Belal Salih Esa were instrumental in supporting the Albany community, providing food, hygiene supplies, and hot meals. Belal, who served not just the Albany community but also the Oakland Islamic Center and the Jummah Free Farmers Market dedicated his life to service and uplifting his community and beyond. On September 19, 2022 Belal lost his life to senseless gun violence but his legacy to support the underserved community lives on through AMWF, his family and loved ones; and”
The Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation (AMWF), since 1957, is a public services organization based on GIVING AND SHARING, is non-denominational, Multi-Cultural, 100% volunteer financed and operated relief organization that serves over 30,000 people a month, provides FREE charitable assistance to the general public with food, medicine, clothing, educational and employment opportunities, mental and physical health referrals, legal aid, shelter and other necessities to the economically, mentally, and physically challenged; the poor and needy; the undereducated and undeserved; people living with sever illness including symptomatic HIV and AIDS; people living substance abuse; seniors 55 years and older; prenatal women; at risk youth; and homebound people living with serious illness; homeless, unhoused; immigrants and refugees; different-abled shut-in residents; and individuals, children, families, and organizations who lack these essentials for any reason. We provide private school and college admissions educational opportunities; assists with referrals for job training and placement; rental assistance; social services assistance; homelessness assistance; mental and physical health assistance; medical assistance and legal aid assistance referrals FREE for ANYONE whom has the need.
The Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation (AMWF), from our Oakland base, serves a 100 mile radius to San Francisco, to Sacramento, to Stockton, to San Jose and back covering all points in between.
AMWF has been heavily involved in and has taken the lead the servicing and protecting the most vulnerable of these homeless, unhoused communities since the 1970’s that as a result of COVID-19, now the government needs to address the spread of this Deadly agent of the virus. We provide direct, meaningful and essential sustenance extending these various services and programs to those most in need. Providing food IS AN ESSENTIAL service, so we are used for that purpose, we added new food resource donors, we MUST be out to serve and our work has TRIPLED!
For many YEARS prior to Covid, and since, we have provided FREE groceries, clothing, shoes, hygiene kits, sleeping bags, blankets, medicine, and hot chef’s prepared gourmet meals to the homeless and homeless encampments and habitations of ALL kinds, from the streets to parks, from trees and bushes to alleys, from corners to ditches, from hand built shanties to tents under freeway overpasses!
We provide FREE groceries, bagged and hot chef’s prepared gourmet meals, plus the above, to the Safe Parking Programs, among others, at local senior and community centers, and faith based organizations in an effort to provide families and/or individuals who have been displaced and are temporarily homeless, living in their vehicles and need a safe place to park and sleep overnight, with restrooms and an attendant present throughout the night at all of the locations.
We also provide food to those that had previously obtained necessary items at their Senior Center. But now that they’re closed, are vital to the wellness of the community and senior population with our Food Bank program and Free Farmers Market Food Give-Aways.
One Blessing of the pandemic is we have added MORE retail grocery stores pick ups and arranged several other groups programs with the young adults and kids to participate in servicing the poor, homeless, and senior shut-in’s, since they were out of school and needed something to do!! This will stick with them for LIFE!
We also annually hand out over 400 Eid gifts/toys to the youth twice a year for Eid and regularly during our weekly Jumaah Free Farmers Market Food Giveaways.
We provide direct, meaningful and essential sustenance extending these various services and programs to those most in need to MORE Muslims in America, per Allah (SWT), then ALL the Islamic charity groups COMBINED in the United States including Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), Islamic Circle of North America ICNA, Islamic Society of North America ISNA, Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC), Muslim American Society (MAS), Muslim Community Association, MCA-SFBA, American Muslim Alliance (AMA), Center for Islamic Pluralism (CIP), Muslim American Leadership Alliance (MALA), the Muslim Reform Movement (MRM), Muslims Facing Tomorrow (MFT), the American Islamic Forum for Democracy (AIFD), The Mosque Cares, American Muslims for Palestine (AMP), Muslim Legal Fund of America (MLFA), Muslim Ummah of North America (MUNA), Muslim Alliance in North America (MANA), American Muslim Alliance (AMA), The Mosque Foundation, American Muslim Task Force (AMTF), American Muslims for Civic Engagement (AMCE), The North American Islamic Trust (NAIT), the Muslim Students Association (MSA), United Muslim Americans Association (UMAA), United Muslims of America (UMA), the UMMA, Inner-City Muslim Action Network, Muslim Advocates, Helping Hand for Relief and Development (HHRD), United States Council of Muslim Organizations (USCMO), MuslimARC, and Zaytuna College!!
Bismillah-ir-Rahman-ir-Rahim (بِسْمِ ٱللَّٰهِ ٱلرَّحْمَٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ)
“In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful”
“Indeed, to Allah we belong and to Allah we shall return.”
إِنَّا لِلَّٰهِ وَإِنَّا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعُونَ
Surveillance video from the store and restaurant that were involved, shows a white vehicle, possibly a Prius, pulling up and someone started shooting into the store and restaurant. Police are reviewing that footage, but did not confirm any suspect vehicle information.
Belal was on the Board of Directors of the Oakland Islamic Center and his family operated several businesses and performed Charity with the Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation (AMWF) Jumaah Free Farmers Markets in the African and Middle Eastern Muslim communities and at several Eat Bay Masajids on Jumaah Friday Kuthbah. Belal, Ethiopian by birth, worked tirelessly to better the African and Muslim communities in the Bay Area, where he singularly fed thousands in 9 Free Food Ministries each week with our AMWF Free Food Program, AHDL!
He is survived by his wife Mimi, sons Dawude- graduated from U. C. Berkeley with a triple major, Omar- also graduated from U. C. Berkeley, Salih- 15 year old entrepreneur at the top of his class entering high school, and daughter Rewda- the smartest of them all!
We couldn’t have done ANYTHING without your support, AHDL!! May ALLAH accept your good deeds and fasts, and grant you and your families duas, Salaahs, forgiveness and REWARD YOU and your Families with Jannatul Firdaus in paradise directly under his throne, iA! Shukran wa Jazzak Allah Khair Khayrun
In addition to their Masjid Communities, these groups served:
University Village Berkeley, Bear Pantry, Al-Noor School, Ibad-Ar-Rahman Sunday School, Oakland Islamic Center, Oakland Islamic Center Weekend Islamic School, Islamic Center of Alameda, Masjid Quba, Berkeley Masjid Weekend Islamic School, Sultana Bookstore, Masjid International Wahadah, Islamic Center of Berkeley, Unified Muslim Community, Masjid Omar Al-Farooq, Islamic Center of Contra Costa, Noor Islamic & Cultural Community Center, Islamic Society of Northern California, Islamic Cultural Center of Northern California, San Ramon
Islamic Center- serve many Masjids and their communities, Africans, Middle Easterners, Indo-Pak-So. Asian, Blacks, Latinos, Immigrants, Refugees, the poor, the needy, and the public at large- 1,000’s of people a day!
A couple of these youth-led operations were with/by Yosef and Khadija Ayyad and their daughters at the Islamic Center of Vallejo; and Banna Mirza, Maulana Hamza Mehter, Talha Mirza and the students of Universal Mercy Academy and Uma Homeschool at Islamic Society of West Contra Costa County, Masjid al-Rahman, AHDL!
This will stick with them for LIVES! We are and have been heavily involved in servicing the Homeless for over 50 years, that suddenly the government needed to address as a potential Deadly agent of the spread of the virus. ALL our work Tripled up to the time they were unceremoniously dismissed!
We learned that many things we thought were true and accurate simply were NOT! We learned that many things we were told was true and accurate simply were NOT!
We learned that many things we thought we knew, we simply did NOT!
We learned that vaccinations are many things we thought, BUT simply NOT a CURE!
As a front line “essential worker”, we saw FIRST HAND, the consequences of ALL the actions and inactions taken, the many things that were done that should NOT have been done, AND, the many things that were NOT done that should have been done!
Foremost among those of US on the front line in the worst conditions supporting those MOST at risk- the unhoused, we lived in real-time the absolute FEAR that gripped those in the “wild”!
One of the GREATEST issues that consumed our emotions was the incessant open display of MAN’S INHUMANITY TOWARD MAN!
We will ALWAYS make HONEST, SINCERE, DEDICATED EFFORTS IN SUPPORT OF OUR SELF PROFESSED COMMITMENT in combating the centuries long INJUSTICE with our work to put an end to HUMAN/CIVIL Rights, economic injustice, real and personal property poverty; physical and mental oppression and brutality; to racism, and inequities where so many shocked and outraged people around the world have found it in their own DNA
as humans to oppose this historical display of systemic and endemic injustice that enables discrimination and protects the violation of human rights.
At this time we are asking YOU to be available to support our communities very lifelines!
Please call/text me at 510-394-4501, AMWF at 510-394-4101, email at: amwf1234@gmail.com; FB: Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation FaceBook Page:
Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/amwfnd/
You can contact and support the AARON & MARGARET WALLACE FOUNDATION, (AMWF) at: https://amwftrust.org, amwf1234@gmail.com
You can make your check payable to: AARON & MARGARET WALLACE FOUNDATION (AMWF), 4200 Park Blvd., Ste. #One16, Oakland, CA 94602; you can donate with Paypal here:
https://www.paypal.com/donate?hosted_button_id=3RWDLJCEVHWT6 or Paypal with email to: amwft@amwftrust.org
May ALLAH REWARD YOU and your Families with Jannatul Firdaus in paradise directly under his throne, iA!
Shukran wa JZK,
Abdul Jalil
ASA wR wB Dear Brothers and Sisters,
As CEO and President of the Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation (AMWF), I, Abdul-Jalil was Awarded the Certificate of Recognition from the California State Assembly for 2021-22 Humanitarian, Civil and Human Rights Achievements. I want to sincerely “THANK” ALL my/our supporters and I am thankful of the recognition for the work done as a Humanitarian for societal change/advancement with the establishment of real economic, social, and political equality across gender and color lines, in Civil Rights and Social Services addressing: Homelessness; Constitutional Reform; Social Justice Reform; Hunger and Food Insecurity; Police Reform; Climate Justice Reform; Criminal Justice Reform; Gun Violence; Religious Hate, Bias, Islamophobia, Xenaphobia and Bigotry; Immigration/Refugee Crisis; Healthcare; Education Equality; School-to-Prison Pipeline; Wealth Inequality/Poverty and Basic Needs; Voter Rights; COVID-19 Pandemic Relief Response; Sport and Athletes Human Rights and the fight for Judicial Reform to END Grand Systemic and Endemic Corruption, that includes Judicial/Legal Systemic Racism, Bigotry, Persecution, as a subset.